專題3 CRAA-Eurovent空氣質(zhì)量及能效論壇(同聲傳譯) 時(shí)間:13:00-17:00 地點(diǎn):上海新國際博覽中心E2-M17會(huì)議室 主席:張朝暉 秘書長 中國制冷空調(diào)工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) Christian Herten, President, EuropeanCommittee for Air Handling and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers (Eurovent)
報(bào)告: 1、Introduction to Eurovent and‘Eurovent Certified Performance——Mr. Erick Melquiond, President, EuroventCertita; Mr. Felix Van Eyken, Secretary General, Eurovent
2、The Eurasian dimensions of Indoor Air Quality -human comfort, health and performance——Prof.Geo Clausen, Head of Section, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical Universityof
3、EurammonLecture: 21st Century Refrigerants and its Application —— Dr. Thomas Schr?der (Managing Director, VDMA Air HandlingTechnology) 4、InteractivePresentation: ‘Clean technology solutions madein Europe’ //Thoughts for food——Mr.Kenneth Hoffmann (Application Manager, GEA Group); Mr. Roland Handschuh (SeniorMarketing Expert, Güntner) // Making hospitals breathe—— Mr.Martin T?rpe (Senior Manager Systems Technology, AL-KO) Mr. Bernd Kistner (Market Management,ebm-papst) //Cooling gas efficiently——Mr.Sham Morten Gabr (Multiwing Group) //French innovation in HVAC&R——Mr. Jean-Paul Ouin (DirectorGeneral, Uniclima)