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euclid  coating  systems 涂布涂層
euclid  coating  systems 涂布涂層

euclid coating systems 涂布涂層

euclid coating systems 涂布涂層 相關(guān)信息由 米力光國際貿(mào)易有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 euclid coating systems 涂布涂層 的信息,請點擊 http://www.nciecn.com/b2b/micforce.html 查看 米力光國際貿(mào)易有限公司 的詳細聯(lián)系方式。



AMCA 210 風洞
LW-9014 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9081 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9015 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置

LW-9266 風扇PQ特性測試裝置
LW-9348 風扇PQ特性測試裝置

LW-9099 小型氣流裝置之控制及噪音自動量測裝置
LW-9389 界面材料熱阻及熱傳導系數(shù)量測裝置
LW-9286 高導熱系數(shù)材料熱擴散系數(shù)與熱傳系數(shù)量測裝置
LW-9614 平面材料熱擴散系數(shù)與熱傳系數(shù)量測裝置
LW-9091 散熱模塊熱阻量測裝置
LW-9172 散熱模塊熱阻瞬時檢測裝置
LW-9052 接觸壓力量測裝置

LW-9222 筆記本電腦仿真熱源產(chǎn)生裝置
LW-9334A 熱管熱阻及{zd0}熱傳量測試裝置
LW-9280 熱管熱阻及{zd0}熱傳量(Qmax)在線檢驗裝置
LW-9510 均溫板熱阻性能測試裝置
LW-9150 IC封裝組件Rjc量測裝置
LW-9022S 自然對流恒溫腔室-小型
LW-9022 自然對流恒溫腔室-標準型
LW-9022 自然對流恒溫腔室-高腳架型
LW-9022M 自然對流恒溫腔室-中型
LW-9022L 自然對流恒溫腔室-大型
LW-9022P 自然對流恒溫腔室-程序溫控型
LW-9022H 自然對流恒溫腔室-高溫型
LW-9022TH 自然對流恒溫恒濕腔室
LW-9022S 自然對流恒溫腔室-小型
LW-9383 LED Tj 熱阻量測裝置
LW-2234 自然與強制對流熱傳風洞
LW-2245 燃燒風洞
LW-2499 熱傳風洞
LW-2616 垂直水平兩用熱傳風洞
LW-6200T 熱傳風洞
LW-9016 熱傳風洞
LW-9118 立式熱傳風洞
LW-9300T 熱傳風洞

LW-9014 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9081 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9015 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9185 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9120 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9293 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置
LW-9545 8000Pa高靜壓型 全自動風量及壓力量測裝置

LW-9099 小型氣流裝置之控制及噪音自動量測裝置
LW-2116 風洞
LW-2240 極低速風洞
LW-3660 風洞 風力發(fā)電機特性測量
LW-3840 風洞 風力發(fā)電機特性測量
LW-3890 風洞
LW-4544 風速計校正用風洞
LW-6200 風洞
LW-8565 閉回路水平次音速風洞
LW-9069 熱線測速儀校正用風洞
LW-9133 三維流場可視化風洞
LW-9300 風洞
LW-9300R 風洞
LW-9544 風洞
LW-2114 高速水洞
LW-2330 水洞
LW-3457 水洞
LW-9002 流場可視化及量力用立式水洞
LW-9065 水洞
LW-9093 流場可視化水洞
LW-9174 水平水洞
LW-9513 水洞
LW-9020 流場可視化水槽
LW-9134 流場可視化水槽
LW-9117 雷射光頁產(chǎn)生裝置
LW-9397 霍普金生壓桿試驗機
LW-9398 霍普金生拉桿試驗機
LW-9361 霍普金生扭桿試驗機
LW-9396 擊穿試驗機

Excellent for performing tests onto small samples, hand sheets, and can be used for continuous web coating. Can also be used to perform saturations, 2 roll pressure, and 3 roll differential tests. Applies a uniform, consistent, and repeatable coating laydown every time. Used for applying coatings onto papers, paperboards, films, foils, glass, etc. Applies coatings down to as low as 1/10 of 1 micron (.000004”). High end thickness varies depending upon the viscosity of the coating, gravure pattern, and the type of substrate. Coat weight is controlled by the specific laser engraved gravure pattern in the bottom gravure roll and by the amount of air pressure that is applied to the top and center rolls (bottom roll can be changed within 5 minutes to utilize various gravure rolls, rubber rolls, and chrome rolls). Top roll is 3” diameter x 12” wide standard polished chrome, and is air regulated in order to vary the amount of downward pressure onto the center roll. Center roll is 6” diameter x 12” wide standard neoprene rubber with air regulated vertical pressure for applying downward pressure onto the bottom roll, complete with dial indicators for adjusting the vertical position of the center roll in order to set a gap between the center and bottom rolls if desired. Center roll is driven with a variable speed motor and controller with digital rpm tachometer capable of approximately 30 fpm (available in 110 or 220 Volt). Bottom roll is 6” diameter x 12” wide laser engraved gravure, driven with a variable speed motor and controller with digital rpm tachometer (available in 110 or 220 Volt, 30 rpm motor). A Stainless Steel coating pan mounts underneath the bottom roll for holding the coating mixture. The bottom roll rotates in this coating pan and picks up the coating mixture, and then the pneumatic wiper blade meters the excess coating from the bottom roll. The coating that remains on the bottom roll then transfers directly to the center roll which in turn transfers the coating directly to the substrate as it is fed between the center and top rolls. All control features mount inside a control panel that also contains an Emergency Stop button in order to shut off all power to the machine by simply pressing down on the button. Different types of rubber for the center roll including E.P.D.M., Silicone, Viton, Hypalon, Buna-N, Urethane, Polysulfide, and Natural Rubber are also available (prices vary). The customer’s choice of one (1) gravure roll up to 180 linescreen is included in the price of the offset gravure lab coater. If a linescreen of more than 180 is needed, then prices vary.
鄭重聲明:產(chǎn)品 【euclid coating systems 涂布涂層】由 米力光國際貿(mào)易有限公司 發(fā)布,版權(quán)歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創(chuàng)性以及文中陳述文字和內(nèi)容未經(jīng)(企業(yè)庫www.nciecn.com)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關(guān)內(nèi)容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權(quán), 請你提供相關(guān)證明及申請并與我們聯(lián)系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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