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Electron RTV Silicone,SILICONE ONE-PART RTV,Specialty Adhesive Sealant,Silicone Sealant,Silicone Adhesives
Electron RTV Silicone,SILICONE ONE-PART RTV,Specialty Adhesive Sealant,Silicone Sealant,Silicone Adhesives

Electron RTV Silicone,SILICONE ONE-PART RTV,Specialty Adhesive Sealant,Silicone Sealant,Silicone Adhesives

Electron RTV Silicone,SILICONE ONE-PART RTV,Specialty Adhesive Sealant,Silicone Sealant,Silicone Adhesives 相關(guān)信息由 江蘇威智利密封材料有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細(xì)的 Electron RTV Silicone,SILICONE ONE-PART RTV,Specialty Adhesive Sealant,Silicone Sealant,Silicone Adhesives 的信息,請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊 http://www.nciecn.com/b2b/sinwe123.html 查看 江蘇威智利密封材料有限公司 的詳細(xì)聯(lián)系方式。



Description Ausbond one component RTV silicone paste and sealing have an excellent effectiveness of material paste and gap sealing for most materials.The excellent physical and chemical nature has been widely applied to the industries of electronics and industry. Excellent performance of dielectric insulation Excellent performance of pollution proof, anti ozone and ultraviolet Excellent chemical stability Environmental protection, temperature in large scale Excellent performance of moisture Excellent performance of eliminating stressing and anti vibrationProduct PProduct Colour Viscosity Typical use 180 Transparent, black, white and red Fluid Coating protection, paste, sealing, anti moisture and thin layer injecting of circuit board, electronic component. 181 Transparent, black, white Semi-fluid Sealing, splicing and fixing among electronic product, instruments, lamp and appliance facilities. 182 Red Semi-fluid It is widely applied to the paste and sealing of electric iron, electric cooker, electric fryer, cartridge heater, high-temperature air filter, high-temperature oven, high-temperature pipe and other high-temperature products. 183 Transparent, black, white Paste Paste, sealing and fixture of appliance, fridge, micro-wave oven, coffee pot, solar battery, electronic products and lamp. 185 Black, white and grey Touching Fixture, paste and sealing of CRT picture tube, DY deflecting yoke, circuit board, power supply, electronic appliance and sensitive component and high voltage product. 704 White Semi-fluid It is widely applied to paste, fixture, sealing and injection of electronic component, equipment, watch, optical facility, appliance, machinery facility and lamp. Name: RTV Silicone Spec: 100ml/Piece,300ml/Piece Product Category: RTV Silicone If you want to know more information about the product,please feel free to contact me. MSN:ausbond@ QQ:912127137 Skype:Ausbond Alibaba:ausbond ausbondcn@gmail.c
鄭重聲明:產(chǎn)品 【Electron RTV Silicone,SILICONE ONE-PART RTV,Specialty Adhesive Sealant,Silicone Sealant,Silicone Adhesives】由 江蘇威智利密封材料有限公司 發(fā)布,版權(quán)歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創(chuàng)性以及文中陳述文字和內(nèi)容未經(jīng)(企業(yè)庫www.nciecn.com)證實(shí),請(qǐng)讀者僅作參考,并請(qǐng)自行核實(shí)相關(guān)內(nèi)容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權(quán), 請(qǐng)你提供相關(guān)證明及申請(qǐng)并與我們聯(lián)系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會(huì)盡快處理。
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