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主營: 香母粒;香珠;香珠香包;迷你香包香袋;PVC香片;EVA香片;香味掛飾;玩具加香填充物;香薰包;香粒子;填充物;香料;香豆;進口香珠;國產香珠

深圳綠吧(GreenBar)成立于2006年6月,專一、專注,致力于香薰行業(yè)的發(fā)展!旗下擁有兩家工廠以及{yx}的研發(fā)團隊。自創(chuàng)辦以來,一直專注香薰系列的開發(fā)研究!擁有自主品牌“菲綠”(Fragreen花草茂盛,香氣濃郁的環(huán)保產品),以及獲得多項專利,產品達到國際標準,暢銷海外25個國家! 綠吧集團設有產品研發(fā)部,生產部,設計部,市場營銷部,銷售部,高層管理部,傳媒部等多個部門,全力為全球客戶提供{zy}產品和服務,支撐您實現商業(yè)成功! 公司產品:以香珠作為核心產品,不斷向上游、下游發(fā)展相關香薰產業(yè)鏈。產品系列包括:香包、香袋、香囊、香膏、香粉、空氣清香劑原材料等眾多相關產品。 綠吧人致力于為每個家庭打造養(yǎng)生、休閑、時尚的綠色空間(Green Space)。我們歡迎所有熱衷于環(huán)境綠化、美化的人們加入我們,時刻享受綠色休閑、香氣濃郁的都市新生活! Shenzhen Greebnbar Sci-Tech Co., ltd is set up on June 2004, It combines produce, sale and design in one, they set up two factory and a excellent R&D team to perfect aromatherapy products and better excavate the new field of aromatherapy line. The "Fragraeen"(Flowers and plants booming,Fragrance full-bodied) of Green bar 's brand that gained many patent, and exporting the products to 25 countries. Green Bar organization has set up R&D, P&D, Design department, Sales and Marketing department, Top management and Media department , they offer the most excellent products and service for total customers. As the aroma beads is our core products, we have developed a products line that include:Sachet, Scented bag,Balm, Aroma powder,Air freshener and so on. Green Bar people devote in make a health promotion, relaxation and fashionable green space for every family. Welcome every one who high on the environmental greening and beautify to join in us. Let's enjoy the new city life with green, relax and fragrance .

【 11 年 免費會員 】
万源市| 海丰县| 绥阳县| 瑞昌市| 正镶白旗| 静乐县| 新建县| 泗阳县| 闽侯县| 崇义县| 霍林郭勒市| 七台河市| 清徐县| 东乌| 和顺县| 井陉县| 凤翔县| 陆丰市| 侯马市| 上思县| 阿拉善左旗| 塔城市| 龙山县| 手机| 海阳市| 东源县| 夏河县| 灵丘县| 邹城市| 玛曲县| 寿阳县| 调兵山市| 沂水县| 利川市| 安仁县| 大新县| 邛崃市| 宁明县| 远安县| 合肥市| 淮北市|